síolta chroí data
protection & Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement applies to all the activities of Síolta Chroí. We are a not-for-profit Cooperative registered in Ireland. We are aware that you put your confidence in us to treat your information securely. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy.  This way you understand exactly how we work.


Síolta Chroí respects the privacy of all members, visitors, course attendees and users of its website. This statement is to ensure you that the personal information you provide to us is treated confidentially. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy. It explains how we will collect, use and disclose information. This statement may change from time to time, and the latest copy will be on our Privacy Policy page on our Website.

It’s important that you feel completely comfortable and confident that your personal information is in safe hands. Síolta Chroí takes protecting your privacy extremely seriously and takes all reasonable steps to ensure your information is secure.


The use of your personal information, why we collect it and what we save varies depending on how you interact with Síolta Chroí, what consent you have given us and what the situation is. We have done our best to indicate this throughout the statement.


We would like to use the personal details you provide us to communicate with you about what is going on in Síolta Chroí. We may also let you know about other ways you could get involved – whether that’s through educational/training activities, social events, volunteering, campaigning or fundraising initiatives.

When you give us your details we will always tell you what we are going to do with them. If we request your contact details for any reason, you will always have an option to not give us them or to opt out. It is always your choice and you can change your mind at any time by contacting sioltachroi@gmail.com

The information we collect

We may collect a variety of personally identifiable or sensitive information from you for various reasons. For example, we may collect:

            Personal details you give us, such as your name, email, phone number and address. We save this so we can keep in touch with you as appropriate, eg through mailings, newsletters, information for Facilities Users, information for Course Attendees etc

            Your financial details, if you have paid a membership sub or made a donation to Síolta Chroí. We need this to process your contribution / donation including accessing your tax back on your donation if appropriate.

            Your prior experience as a volunteer along with your particular interests in joining and becoming active in Síolta Chroí.  We need this so we can send you information about particular courses that might be of interest and/or membership of particular subgroups in Síolta Chroí.

            Your feedback on courses you have attended or services you have availed of. We want to remain relevant and up to date, gathering feedback on what we do is really important, any feedback gathered is strictly confidential.

Where we collect information from

Examples may include:

            From you directly, for example, when you fill out a membership application or become a donor, when you register and take part in a course or public event we organise.

            From external sources, for example, when you interact with us on social media or through other partner organisations.

            From our website, when you visit. For example, we use software such as Google Analytics to identify which pages on our website are visited most. This information is collected automatically. It does not contain any personal or sensitive information, so browsing is anonymous. For information on this, and the use of cookies, please below.

What we ask of you

Please give us accurate information and tell us as soon as possible about any changes to your personal information. Please tell us if you notice mistakes or inaccuracies in the information we have about you, as this helps us keep our information reliable and up-to-date.

How long we keep your information for

We keep personal information for different lengths of time dependent on the purpose. For example, we do not remove membership records as lapsed members may wish to hear of milestone events that they would wish to be a part of.

You can contact us at any time to ask us to see, amend or remove any of your personal information that we are holding.

Who we share your personal information with

Your information will be kept confidential to Síolta Chroí, we never provide or sell your personal details with third parties for the purpose of marketing.  The only exception to this would be where there was a lawful reason for your information to be provided to the Gardaí, regulatory bodies or legal advisers. We are committed to comply with the standards set by Irish Law, GDPR and this privacy statement at a minimum.

How your information is secure

The security of your information is of utmost importance to us. We seek to use reasonable measures to protect your information as required by the law and in accordance with the policies Síolta Chroí has set. Sensitive data (known under GDPR as Special Categories of Data)  is held under strict security conditions. If you have any reason to believe that any personal information we hold is no longer secure, please contact us immediately.


Managing your communications from us

You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, to make changes to how you hear from us, and to ask us to stop processing or to remove your personal information. You also have the right to ask for a copy of the information we have.

You can change your communication preferences at any time; just get in touch with SioltaChroi@gmail.com

Complaints and further information

If you are unhappy with how we are using your personal information you have the right to lodge a complaint with The Data Protection Commissioner’s Office https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us


You can also contact the to find out more about types of personal information, its usage and your rights. Further information on the law that says how your personal information can be used can be found in The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)